Raymarine Combo Packages.

I decided to look at the complex solutions of other marine electronics manufacturers and begin with Raymarine combo packages.

In order to have some reference point, I will try to compare with the Lowrance boat box bundle.

Here is an option offered by Outback Marine Australia  –

Raymarine Multifunction Display – a-SERIES DOWNVISION AND SIDEVISION PACKS – a128 DownVision & SideVision Pack with a128, 400mm Raynet cable, CPT-100 transducer, CP200 and CPT-200 transducer

Total price is $3,955.00 ( I believe it is AUD so about $ 3200 USD), plus Intl. shipping about $120 USD to the US.

Amazon offers almost the same-

Raymarine A128 Chirp Down/Side Vision System Pack for about same price of $3300

In fact, need to say that I did not find combo packages directly on Raymarine Marine Electronics site, but all components have the Raymarine trademark and can be purchased separately as well.

What is what?

Raymarine A128 multi Function Display/Dv Sonar Without Charts

Price about $2500

Raymarine A128 multi Function Display/Down Vision With Navionics+ Charts

Powerful, go-anywhere navigation; A-Series multifunction displays

Delivers the speed and simplicity of lighthouse II in a fast and fluid touch screen experience

Extensive networking options, A-Series will put you in control of charts, sonar, radar and more

Advanced chart plotter engine with pinch to zoom, internal 10Hz GPS for fast and smooth vessel tracking

With built-in Wi-Fi you can access A-Series anywhere onboard with Raymarine Apps“

Sometimes active boaters’ reviews say more than detailed user’s guide, so here is Amazon „verified purchase” resume about the product.

„…Being able to map and mark at 38mph is a game changer for the tournament world, being able to find fish, stay on fish, and not puts around doing 15 looking for marks means more time fishing and less time finding. When money is on the line; and an extra hour fishing could mean cashing a check or not; Raymarine is all I want with me……and tekotas

In this post, not much about product features, pros and cons, you can easily read it on manufacturer site or other online sources. However, I would like to say a few words about what I care about and count as a real device’s value.

… what is mapping solution and how flexible it is

When it comes to GPS for boats for me always is important what is mapping solution and how flexible it is. I mean is it possible to use several cartographic options. It is not just because there are various features offered but sometimes people already own expensive nautical map software and is familiar with it. Why spend extra cash on nautical mapping is a relatively pricey product?

Raymarine A128 is preloaded with Lighthouse Navigation Charting provides both Raster and Vector charting. It is Navionics Platinum plus compatible. The device can be enhanced with Improved geo-referenced coast pilot.

Raymarine also accepts C-Map 4D charts for exceptional detail. C-Map 4D includes Raster Charts, 3D View, Satellite Overlay and more.

As you can see, there are options to choose from.

It is not new but anyway I appreciate it very high that this fishfinder can be networked with additional Displays, Sonar Modules for Side Vision, Autopilot, Radar, AIS, FLIR Thermal Cameras, Instrument Displays and more. Some connections need cables but other connecting wirelessly.

All in all, the Raymarine A128 offers a bright, sunlight viewable 12″ touchscreen display with internal GPS and GLONASS (with GA150 external antenna, not included in the package) receiver for ultra-fast satellite acquisition and fluid onscreen vessel movement.

Other items in a pack.

Raymarine Cpt-100 Dvs Transom Mount Chirp Transducer.

„CHIRP technology modifies the pulse that is sent by the Transducer. Instead of transmitting a distinct pulse beneath the Boat, CHIRP technology modifies the pulse so that a range of frequencies are transmitted by the transducer; say 28 to 60 kHz, or 130 to 210 kHz, or 42 to 65 kHz.Read more here

Price about $150

Raymarine CP200 CHIRP SideVision Sonar Module w/CPT-200 Transom Transducer
Price about $1500, but you can choose the cheaper option for $600 as well. I am not sure which one is included in the package.

Why two transducers? Cpt-100 is for down imaging, but CP 200 is for side scanning this is done to get high power on each channel to not interfere with each other.

It is all about package content

There is a design flaw with the CPT200 I found in Amazon customers review section;

„… Problem is these screws are very, very susceptible to corrosion, and there are no real means to attach a zinc to help with the corrosion. I had mine in the water for 5 weeks and three of the screws lost enough of the very fine threads that they just fell out…“

Read entire review here

Navigation Charting solutions.

As this Raymarine A128 MFD (multi-functional display) comes without maps, you need to purchase for your area. Luckily, as I mentioned before, many boaters already have compatible navigation charts on SD, MSD or CD. If not, you can check and choose your region.

Prices for Navionics Platinum and Platinum+ varies from about $150 to $300.

C-Map 4d for about the same prices.

Total price by purchasing given Raymarine combo package is about $3300 and adding the second A128 MFD it will be $5800. Very close to Lowrance Boat Box bundle with some additional items.

Which one is better, it’s hard to say unequivocally.

I found in forums saying that Raymarine is for saltwater but on lakes and rivers better stick with Lowrance.

Anyway, Raymarine combo packages are good solution how the manufacturer ease customers to make the final decision and in the end, save some cash.

I could look at and compare many of the differences but quite similar devices in general. It’s probably true for those who want to argue, but it’s similar when it comes to such well-known discussions of iPhone fans vs. Samsung benefits advocates, both are right.

Take care and tight lines!

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  1. James Harvey

    Me and my wife have been traveling and taking photos for about 2 years now. My current GPS has burnt out. It’s been though the ringer trust me. I have been looking for a newer more up to date GPS. Would you recommend this for the casual GPS user or is this for more advanced? I would like to to know because I’m really interested in this GPS.

    1. Andrejs (Post author)

      Thanks James for stopping by.

      Sad to hear that your GPS is broken. Raymarine mostly produces marine electronics, and I never heard about Raymarine GPS for cars. To be honest, my use of a smartphone is the smartest solution for turn by turn navigation. Luckily tons of free and paid apps can be found in App Store or Google Play. For off-road, ATV, snowmobiling, and marine navigation use designated GPS devices.

  2. Jack

    I’m glad GPS’s have improved so much over time! I remember when their software was so clunky and unreliable.

    That’s pretty cool how your able to use several cartographic options. If a system isn’t flexible in functionality, then it will probably obsolete in the near future. It’s nice to know you get what you pay for with these devices!

    1. Andrejs (Post author)

      Hi, Jack and thanks for stopping by.

      GPS devices are becoming more and more advanced. When it comes to turn by turn car navigators than ever free GPS navigation apps for smartphones is not a bad choice but for marine navigation better choose designated stand-alone GPS Chartplotter.

      Raymarine is one of the leading manufacturers of cutting-edge marine electronics.

  3. Rizdog

    I thought over all that this review was for the most part informative for the person who knows what you were talking about. I know nothing about all the technical stuff you were mentioning. I guess it works good but how does it hold up to the elements? Is it something that takes an expert to install it in the boat? Lastly, is it user friendly or easy to use? I believe you when you say it’s a good product.

    1. Andrejs (Post author)

      Thanks for the good question. Do you need an expert to install Raymarine combo packages parts? My answer is no. Even if you own a boat and not sure how to connect a display unit with transducers ask fellow boater in the marina, and I believe you easily find one who helps just for the cup of coffee. As far as I’ve come across with Raymarine Marine Electronics, it has always been a user-friendly hardware. Marine electronic packages are valuable because of they ready to plug and use. All you need is find the right socket, attach cables and you are ready to sail.

  4. Mustafa

    to be honest i didnt have any idea about raymarine before but this page has let me know everything about it. its very helpful and full of information so thank you alot for this

    i just want to insist about is it easy to use ? since i dont have a good experience about using GPS,,, so it would be great to start with something so easy to use and i really need your help to show me the best for me

    thank you again 🙂

    1. Andrejs (Post author)

      Thanks Mustafa for stopping by. In fact, GPS stands for Global Positioning System is just one of many satellite navigation systems like GLONASS, GALILEO etc. It receives signals from satellites and your device calculates your position, speed, and some other data. It does not matter are you using iPhone or $3K worth cutting edge Raymarine Multifunction display (MFD) a principle is the same. Some of the devices use multi-satellite receivers for higher accuracy in the heavy environment like mountains, high building city streets and so.

  5. Jonathan Gonzalez

    I never seen this product before. I did not know they have enhanced GPS + Wifi Connectivity like this. I have a Nissan Versa Note and this would be awesome addition to car! Do you think this will have capabilities to be inside a car but in frame under air vent? Everything is there for you and I do not have to use my phone on venting where is blocking air. Did you have any troubles with device at all? I am a delivery driver and use GPS 24/7. I feel like this would change the game. The new Nissan Tesla Haha!

    1. Andrejs (Post author)

      Raymarine Electronics produce mostly marine equipment so not for car GPS devices. You are right that smartphone is not for 24/7 use as GPS turn by turn navigator unit. Holding iPhone or $900 worth Samsung in front of air vent sooner or later leads to phone problems. I recently came across with TomTom Go 520 or 5200. Reasonable price, online traffic data on the way and place it on windshield or dashboard by your own choice.

  6. nanshilar

    I had heard about GPS device last 10 years. But I know nothing about this technical stuff and how to use. But I think it works good. However, I get knowledge for this stuff by reading this page. It is very helpful and information for the persons who need GPS.

    1. Andrejs (Post author)

      Hi and thanks for stopping by. You know, GPS receiver is almost in every smartphone. People even do not know about it. How do you think pictures taken have the geotag? It is because satellite navigation systems like GPS or Glonass automatically obtain the geographical position and add it to picture data. Technologies are skyrocketing and it hard to know everything.


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