12 responses

  1. Paulo
    November 2, 2016

    I definitely agree with your last point Andrel. Software developers deserve to be compensated and properly rewarded for the effort they put into development. Without their work and sacrifice, the end product that so many people enjoy would not come to reality.

    Plus these folks are running into a lot of competition already with free navigation software under development by Google and other providers slowly entering the market.


    • Andrejs
      November 2, 2016

      Hi, Paulo and thanks for stopping by.

      Yes, it is hard work and serious business -road and sea map creation. Thieves were, are and unfortunately will be. Today’s society not yet grown up to completely honest community.

      When it comes to so-called free GPS navigation applications or software, these actually not free at all in regarding map updates. For example, Waze mainly uses crowded source corrections and so many sad stories, even fatal ones, have been spotted here and there. Google maps have hidden costs.

      So again, free maps are stolen maps.


  2. Arturas
    November 4, 2016

    Good morning Andrei!
    I am from Lithuania. Here as well as in Latvia pirated copies of car navigation latest updates are available on every corner. My previous Audi had the MMI navigation with copied CD, perform good and I sold the car with this GPS navigation without any problems.


    • Andrejs
      November 4, 2016

      Labas rytas Arturas!
      You just one more time confirm what I wrote. You are lucky that Audi MMI navigation system did not hang or even does not switch off at all. Far latest car onboard navigation and entertainment units using of pirate software is a very risky venture.


  3. Neil
    October 16, 2018

    I’ve always heard the term “there’s no such thing as a free luch” – which is totally true in the world we live in. Everything we get comes at a cost, whether it’s buying something or applying some effort and working for it. Or when it comes to freebies and free trials online/offline, our email addresses are always required for marketing purposes.

    I guess the whole world is just one BIG SCAM! LOL.

    As for the “free” Garmin map updates, I do think we have to tread with caution online because there are unethical folks giving away such freebies that can land us in water, like you point out.

    I have tried downloading free maps in the past (oops, my bad) but the sites always come across as really shady because if they’ne not trying to upsell you on a mixture of downloads, they try to plant viruses on your computer/mobile device.

    So now, I prefer to go about the whole map business the right way by “paying” for stuff because it protects us from different standpoints.

    I currently use a TomTom which is OK and works great most of the time. Although there are times when I could easily chuck it out of the car window for either not being able to find addresses, takeing me down the wrond roads or just taking too long to find signal.

    Would you say Garmin is a better option, especially since Santa’s visit isn’t far off? 😉

    Cheers, Neil


    • Andrejs
      October 16, 2018

      Hi Neil and thanks for such a cool comment actually the extra post. 

      I just like to add that Garmin GPS navigators and maps are good, but it does not mean that competitors like TomTom and some others are sleeping. 

      I recently purchase Sygic GPS navigation app for my iPhone. Its cartography is based on TomTom maps and in some points, I like even more than Garmin.

       Garmin definitely is leading in-car navigation, especially in stand-alone GPS device market.


  4. Stew
    October 16, 2018

    I’ve never come across this before.  I don’t use Garmin and all my map updates are indeed free as I see it.  That is on my phone and iPad. In my car any update costs me $400 and up.

    Illegal map downloading is way out of my thoughts.  I never new.  I live in Canada and I guess me anyway am totally unaware of this.


    • Andrejs
      October 17, 2018

      Thanks, Stew for stopping by. I just want to advise if you ever purchase Garmin GPS stand-alone device, spend some extra cash for lifetime map updates.


  5. Dale
    October 16, 2018

    There is a lot of work that goes into updating these apps so yes developers should be compensated. Whether you pay for it in the front end or the back end is something the developers need to decide.  Piracy exists every where and I doubt we could ever completely get away from it.  However at the end of the day fake options usually cost us more in the long run.  Great article.


    • Andrejs
      October 18, 2018

      Thanks, Dale for the comment. You are absolutely right saying that miser pays twice.


  6. Nicki V
    October 16, 2018

    Everyone always wants something for free, and I agree with you that, when there is something being offered for free, be sure to watch out for the hook!  No one does or gives out anything for free without there being some sort of catch.

    I’m surprised that a lot of people are still using the Garmin or TomTom these days with all the maps apps out there free on your phone.  My parents still use theirs that they bought 15 years ago lol

    Do you know what kind of map software comes standard in cars. Is it Garmin?  Do you think the updates to the maps is more current with Garmin than with the standard Google maps on your phone?


    • Andrejs
      October 17, 2018

      Hi Nikki and thanks for the comment. 

      To answer your question about of map software in the car, I would say that it depends on the car model and year of built. Yes, some car GPS dashboard systems have Garmin software, some TomTom but other use its own solution.

       When it comes to the phone GPS navigation apps, I prefer to using of Waze as it almost on online update mode and traffic info as well as police traps.


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