What Is the Best GPS Snowmobile Trail Maps?

It is not so easy to find the best GPS snowmobile trail maps because there is a shortage of them; therefore, there are no sled maps to compare.

Let’s try to find out whether the unique sledding trail maps are so necessary and demanded by users.

One way to make it clear is my favorite method. I am familiar with different keyword tools to see, how demanded and competitive is the phrase by searching in

Google. Skipping a detailed explanation, you can see that the „GPS snowmobile trail maps” phrase has been searched by the relatively large number of people and expected traffic is high enough.

My first thought was to dig deeper in search term „free Garmin snowmobile trail maps” but quit this idea mainly for two reasons.

best gps snowmobile trail maps

 Firstly, why only Garmin? Yes, primarily the ready to use snowmobile trail maps are created for Garmin GPS devices, but not only.

Secondly, I do not like the term „free “when it comes to navigation maps, no matter whether they are marine nautical charts, road maps, and trail maps. In any map creation, the huge work and resources and invested so hearing the word „free” in this case, for me, it is associated with the meaning „stolen “.

When stealing someone’s job, sooner or later you will be in trouble financially or even legal.

While to produce maps for sleds, ATV or hiking is not always necessarily have to buy for the money, but that does not mean that it is free. You need to invest in its job and think with your head. It’s not a pirate way downloading from the Torrent for what others pay money by purchasing from the creator.

I found the great video (not mine) on how to create a trail network map for a GPS device in gpx format. How far I followed the steps no doubt that after spending some time and nerves the result would be good enough to enjoy your own created free GPS map for snowmobile trails.

It is hard to say is a path created this way can be considered as the best GPS snowmobile trail maps, but it is a method of how to be on track almost anywhere if only the Google Earth picture is available.

What is a situation about ready to use maps offers for sleds?

Practically typing any word combination as GPS, snowmobiles, trails, and maps in the search bar the first result is GPStrailmasters.com.

The phrase from their homepage

Using a GPS for snowmobile trails or riding with a GPS for ATV trails is gaining in popularity and GPS apps for mobile phones now can store maps for offline use, when a WiFi or cellular signal is not available. Our ATV and Snowmobile GPS trail maps provide a transparent trail overlay for your Garmin GPS, mobile phone or tablet. These GPS maps will run on most Garmin GPSs and will integrate with several GPS apps for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. A GPS or mobile device mounted on your snowmobile or ATV provides modern navigation complete with turn-by-turn directions and trip statistics such as total miles, max speed, average speed, moving time, stopped time, etc. Trail maps from GPS Trailmasters will “Enhance Your Riding Experience”.

As you see the short but very comprehensive description.

It isn’t much to add only that those maps are like road maps with POI and other useful features. I suppose that for a weekend’s pleasure trips a ready to use sled maps are the best but when you are about to go out of the path, just enjoy the high speed with no speed limit sign and increase adrenaline? I know it, as enjoyed the fast ride, and you can do it entirely legal on frozen snow-covered ice fields or snowy winter meadows.

gps trail maps

As long as your GPS is running it is hard to get lost regardless of what kind of maps are downloaded in the device.

It could be any GPS/GLONASS navigation device, beginning with GPS watches for hiking to complicated marine GPS Chartplotter. Having your sledding area paper map into the glove box or backpack only you need is put coordinates, find a present position, select the right direction and by shortest path proceed towards refueling spot or another welcoming place.

screen-shot-2016-12-07-at-10-35-35In my home country Latvia snowmobiling is not so popular, but every year the number of sled owners is increasing. I used to sled in Finland where lives my cousin as he is crazy about this kind of active recreation. If you visit Finland during the winter, then one of the best ways to spending an unforgettable time in the fresh air is Arctic Circle Snowmobile Park in Rovaniemi which is next to the Santa Claus headquarters.

When visiting websites about snowmobiling in the USA and Canada, I found it has developed into a rather high level, and I feel a little envy to the local guys. Most of all I like the Clubs network.

Almost every snowy state or province has its club or even association. Like Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Clubs (AWSC), Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs and more.

Returning to the snowmobile maps my mentioned clubs and associations contribute greatly to the creation of these sled maps by sharing between the members of a person created snowmobile trails.

It is the only way to build such maps as the government never spends money on it. By collecting private trails and more wealthy companies like GPS TrailMasters spending their resources customers like you and me can enjoy detailed ready to use GPS snowmobile trail maps with many useful features.

To confirm my thoughts here is what the GPS Trailmasters offer.

You can even trade your tracklogs for free maps!

„Keep your maps accurate and up to date! Join our growing community of ATV and snowmobile owners and send in your tracklogs after each ride or weekend on the trails. Your GPS tracklog contributions will be processed and any new trails found will be added to the next map update. Learn how easy it is to collect tracks with our Collect Tracks instructions. Consult your Garmin User’s Manual or the Garmin website for additional information on how to record your Trip Log and download GPS tracks and waypoints (Points of Interest). Attach your (gpx, gdb, etc) tracklog file(s) to this e-mail along with a brief description of your data, let us know you would like to be added to the track donor list and you will automatically get free map updates from our website. See our Maps for Tracks program to learn how you can get FREE maps by extending your download period.“

Another, really perfect local source with even free to use trails and other sources I found in New York State Snowmobile trails home page.

New York’s Most Comprehensive Snowmobile Trail Web Map and Trip Planner Website, Trail Conditions Display, Trail App and GPS Maps along with the 2nd Annual Covered Bridge Challenge.

NY state snowmobile trail maps

To complete my review shortly about GPS equipment for snowmobiling.

The more detailed info you can find in my previous posts just to remind. GPS Trailmasters maps are mainly for Garmin GPS devices and the compatible GPS list to be found here.

I assume that you can also use other brand’s GPS devices just may be a problem with loading and recognition of sled trail maps.

The NY State Snowmobilers have created a good smartphone app for sled maps.

 My wish is, do not hit the snowmobile trail with only an iPhone in your pocket or the holder. Hold the paper map in your pocket, but still best to buy a good Garmin Montana 600 Series handheld GPS device and smartphones as a backup unit.

There are some other online sources for GPS Snowmobile Trail Maps. Enjoy snowmobile ride and take care of you and passengers.

Detailed GPS and paper maps for ORV (off-road vehicles) and snowmobile maps and trails for Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia & Wisconsin search in vvmapping.com


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  1. Chris Roberts

    Hey Andrejs, great niche, I love getting outdoors and doing things, especially snowmobiling. It was a really warm winter in my neck of the woods last year so to go snowmobiling I had to travel quite a bit. I’ve never used GPS for snowmobile trails but I think this is a great idea. I usually rely Forest Service maps but they usually have so much other information on them its hard sometimes to see an exact route or an area where you have to stay off of. I will certainly be looking into this further.

    You have a great site, the only thing I noticed was the tags widget. It just seems like it kind of clutters up the page and all the pertinent information is already in your categories. Good job and good luck!

    1. Andrejs (Post author)

      Hi, Chris and thanks for stopping by.

      You know, my cousin in Finland is addicted to snowmobiling and just a couple of days ago I forwarded to him links about snowmobile and ATV GPS trails. The main reason was to see what he say about all that stuff.

      Honestly, I was a bit surprised that he like you never used any GPS trail maps and was very interested in trail creation and for Trail Tech Voyager device particularly. Just here in Europe, this device’s price is about twice higher than in the USA. Nevertheless, he has ordered it from UK store.
      Yes, and you are right about cluttered tags cloud.

  2. Tar

    Hello Andrel,

    It seems the ‘term’ seems dubious and not authentic. So yes, I can see your point of maps being stolen can be justified. Also, I believe we should have an alternative as what you mentioned, a paper map as it reduces the probability at least of a visitor getting lost if not getting lost. Paper maps are used for assurance purposes, whether it is the right track or there should be a diversion being made.

    1. Andrejs (Post author)

      Hi Tar and thanks for stopping by!
      I think everyone is more or less able to navigate the paper maps. Keep one in your pocket or in the glovebox plus magnetic compass for a couple of bucks can save your time, money and health.
      In cold weather, it is foolish to trust only to electronics.

  3. Jackie

    Oh, really nice to see this different God snowmobile trail maps. A friend invited me to hike up north and I understand that one needs some important gadgets like this one here so I’ll definitely be buying it for my own safety. With this, I’m sure never to get lost, as long as it is on. Thanks!


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